Star Student and Birthday Boy, Patrick!

Human Timeline
Here is a synopsis of the past few weeks:
Patrick was our Star Student last week. He likes to make stop-animation movies and would like to be an engineer when he grows up. Patrick turned 8 on Monday too! Congratulations Patrick! This week our Star Student is Natalie. Natalie loves to ride horses and would like to be a dentist when she grows up.
The 2D Stars worked on making recipes for Enemy Pie. The pie turns an enemy into a friend. We read a story by the same name, Enemy Pie, in which the main character works with his dad to share an enemy pie with a new boy on the block. After reading the book, we brainstormed ingredients, cooking/measurement words to include in our recipes. We wrote our recipes and created enemy pies out of Model Magic. They looked delicious!
Working together, the 2D Stars created Cooperative Animals. Each student chose an animal to draw. Then he/she discussed with his/her small group which part of that animal he/she would draw. The result was an imaginary creature with many different parts. In our class we had the Bunhorsoris, the Firepigelifint, the Daasoesrases, the Horwalbatpenguin, and Yocotama. Quite an eclectic group!
Our study of Fossils and Dinosaurs has progressed. We have now made a paper time line of when the dinosaurs lived and when humans evolved in relation to dinosaurs. We have worked on fossil imprints and dinosaur stories. We have also worked on similes and synonyms using dinosaurs as our inspirations.
The Stars have rocketed through addition and subtraction over the first few weeks of school. We are now moving into graphing. Be armed with data on your favorites (ice cream, TV show, sports team) in the upcoming weeks!
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