Friday, September 9, 2011

A Day of Honor, Service and Fun

Our tribute blocks

As a tribute to honor the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the 2D Kings and Queens chose a single word to write on a block.  The words they chose reflected the feelings of the people who experienced the events of September 11, 2001.  The words also reflected the student's personal feelings as empathetic listeners to the many stories they have heard second hand.  In addition, words that represented ideas, actions and people were also included:  remember, hope, saved, relieve, respect, honor, courage, healing, help, heroes. 
We are happy for those who survived.  We will remember those who did not.  We will show we care through our actions and words.  We are thankful that others before us have done the same.
An unending amount of love.  

After thinking about the events of 9/11, the 2D Kings and Queens served the CA community by helping organize clothing in the CA clothing exchange. 
There were many heavy bags.
A lot of teamwork. 

And some very happy kids. 
A little weary too, but happy nonetheless.
Weariness only lasts a few minutes when you're seven or eight. 

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